Although more than a year ago, it hardly feels like any time at all since we last wrote the one of these, a blog about when Roaring Mouse turned five, which is probably why it’s taken until the middle of October to do a post for our sixth birthday.
The other reason why this celebration of six was slightly delayed is that the beginning of this month was terrifically busy. In fact, the entire summer has been busy after we picked up three new customers in the space of a month and a half. These wins have helped ensure that the financial year we just finished was the biggest and best in Roaring Mouse’s history, with sales growth of almost 30 percent.
While these have necessitated more than a few late nights and weekend days at work, the summer wasn’t entirely spent delivering for customers. We moved into fantastic new offices in the centre of Chesterfield, from which we can see the iconic town hall building and also out into the Peaks, and we also ventured into the world of full-time employment.
Roaring Mouse was founded on the principle that smaller organisations should be able to tap into the kind of expert PR and online marketing support that – previously – was reserved only for big businesses and the most lavishly funded startups.
We recognised that to do this probably we needed to offer our customers a broad range of PR expertise and communication skills, precisely as and when they needed them. We worked with a small pool of talented freelancers and independent consultants to provide the kind of scale and breadth of skills that were previously only available at the very biggest of PR shops. It is an approach that helped us be recognised as one of the top five PR consultancies for small businesses this year.
While this ability to flex with customer needs continues to underpin our approach, we also recognised that for the agency to deliver on our ambition to create new career opportunities and help develop the next generation of PR professionals here in Chesterfield, we needed to add to our core team.
To that end, we were delighted to recruit our first graduate, Billi, who joined the team at the beginning of September after spending four years studying in Durham and Paris. We also opened our doors to a work experience student, Nathan, who is studying journalism at Sheffield University, and we plan to do more of the same in the future.
And finally, as another nod to turning six we’d also like to share six of our biggest hits in online media from the last 12 months. Give us a shout if you are in the neighbourhood, we’ll pop the kettle on and tell you about how this kind of media attention, integrated with content and social media marketing, is transforming businesses around the world.